Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tables Used in Switching

Tables Used in Switching

Catalyst switches maintain several types of tables to be used in the switching process. The tables are tailored for Layer 2 switching or MLS and are kept in very fast memory so that many fields within a frame or packet can be compared in parallel.

Content-Addressable Memory

All Catalyst switch models use a CAM table for Layer 2 switching. As frames arrive on switch ports, the source MAC addresses are learned and recorded in the CAM table. The port of arrival and the VLAN both are recorded in the table, along with a time stamp. If a MAC address learned on one switch port has moved to a different port, the MAC address and time stamp are recorded for the most recent arrival port. Then, the previous entry is deleted. If a MAC address is found already present in the table for the correct arrival port, only its time stamp is updated.

Switches generally have large CAM tables so that many addresses can be looked up for frame forwarding. However, there is not enough table space to hold every possible address on large networks. To manage the CAM table space, stale entries (addresses that have not been heard from for a period of time) are aged out. By default, idle CAM table entries are kept for 300 seconds before they are deleted. You can change the default setting using the following configuration command:

Switch(config)# mac address-table aging-time seconds

By default, MAC addresses are learned dynamically from incoming frames. You also can configure static CAM table entries that contain MAC addresses that might not be learned otherwise. To do this, use the following configuration command:

Switch(config)# mac address-table static mac-address vlan vlan-id interface type mod/num

Exactly what happens when a host’s MAC address is learned on one switch port, and then the host moves so that it appears on a different switch port? Ordinarily, the host’s original CAM table entry would have to age out after 300 seconds, while its address was learned on the new port. To avoid having duplicate CAM table entries during that time, a switch purges any existing entries for a MAC address that has just been learned on a different switch port. This is a safe assumption because MAC addresses are unique, and a single host should never be seen on more than one switch port unless problems exist in the network. If a switch notices that a MAC address is being learned on alternating switch ports, it generates an error message that flags the MAC address as “flapping” between interfaces.

Ternary Content-Addressable Memory

In traditional routing, ACLs can match, filter, or control specific traffic. Access lists are made up of one or more access control entities (ACEs) or matching statements that are evaluated in sequential order. Evaluating an access list can take up additional time, adding to the latency of forwarding packets.

In multilayer switches, however, all the matching process that ACLs provide is implemented in hardware called a TCAM. With a TCAM, a packet can be evaluated against an entire access list within a single table lookup. Most switches have multiple TCAMs so that both inbound and outbound security and QoS ACLs can be evaluated simultaneously, or entirely in parallel with a Layer 2 or Layer 3 forwarding decision.

The Catalyst IOS Software has two components that are part of the TCAM operation:
Feature Manager (FM): After an access list has been created or configured, the Feature Manager software compiles, or merges, the ACEs into entries in the TCAM table. The TCAM then can be consulted at full frame-forwarding speed.

Switching Database Manager (SDM): On some Catalyst switch models, the TCAM is partitioned into several areas that support different functions. The SDM software configures or tunes the TCAM partitions, if needed, to provide ample space for specific switching functions. (The TCAM is fixed on Catalyst 4500 and 6500 platforms and cannot be repartitioned.)

TCAM Structure

The TCAM is an extension of the CAM table concept. Recall that a CAM table takes in an index or key value (usually a MAC address) and looks up the resulting value (usually a switch port or VLAN ID). Table lookup is fast and always based on an exact key match consisting of binary numbers made up of two possible values: 0 and 1 bits.

TCAM also uses a table-lookup operation but is greatly enhanced to allow a more abstract operation. For example, binary values (0s and 1s) make up a key into the table, but a mask value also is used to decide which bits of the key are actually relevant. This effectively makes a key consisting of three input values: 0, 1, and X (do not care) bit values—a threefold or ternary combination.

TCAM entries are composed of Value, Mask, and Result (VMR) combinations. Fields from frame or packet headers are fed into the TCAM, where they are matched against the value and mask pairs to yield a result. As a quick reference, these can be described as follows:

Values are always 134-bit quantities, consisting of source and destination addresses and other relevant protocol information—all patterns to be matched. The information concatenated to form the value depends on the type of access list, as shown in Below Table. Values in the TCAM come directly from any address, port, or other protocol information given in an ACE, up to a maximum of 134 bits.

TCAM Value Pattern Components

Access List Type
Value and Mask Components (Number of Bits)
Source MAC (48), destination MAC (48), EtherType (16)
Source IP (32), destination IP (32), protocol (16), ICMP code
(8), ICMP type (4), IP type of service (ToS) (8)
Extended IP using TCP/UDP
Source IP (32), destination IP (32), protocol (16), IP ToS (8),
source port (16), source operator (4), destination port (16),
destination operator (4)
Other IP
Source IP (32), destination IP (32), protocol (16), IP ToS (8)
Source IP (32), destination IP (32), protocol (16), IP ToS (8),
IGMP message type (8)

Masks are also 134-bit quantities, in exactly the same format, or bit order, as the values. Masks select only the value bits of interest; a mask bit is set to mark a value bit to be exactly matched or is not set to mark a value bit that does not matter. The masks used in the TCAM stem from address or bit masks in ACEs.

Results are numeric values that represent what action to take after the TCAM lookup occurs. Whereas traditional access lists offer only a permit or deny result, TCAM lookups offer a number of possible results or actions. For example, the result can be a permit or deny decision, an index value to a QoS policer, a pointer to a next-hop routing table, and so on.

The TCAM is always organized by masks, where each unique mask has eight value patterns associated with it. For example, the Catalyst 6500 TCAM (one for security ACLs and one for QoS ACLs) holds up to 4096 masks and 32,768 value patterns. The trick is that each of the mask-value pairs is evaluated simultaneously, or in parallel, revealing the best or longest match in a single table lookup.

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Tables Used in Switching

Tables Used in Switching Catalyst switches maintain several types of tables to be used in the switching process. The tables are tailo...